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The Williamsville Central School District offers a comprehensive, high quality instructional program to students from Kindergarten through high school graduation. Guided by the New York State Learning Standards and assessments, the District has articulated specific grade level curricula for all content area disciplines. In addition to state mandated assessments, we utilize local assessments to continuously measure student growth, offer academic intervention services to students in need of extra assistance, and challenge those students who exceed the New York State Learning Standards in one or more areas.   

From Kindergarten screening through the high school graduation ceremony, parents are an important and valued component of our program. We rely on parents as teachers and as partners in the educational process.  The Department of Instruction encompasses the offices of the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction along with nine instructional directors and teachers on special assignment who coordinate and support a variety of programs and curricular efforts.

Casey Middle Students present their %227 Wonders%22 project during the school day.
Students and staff engage in a STEAM activity.
Students at Williamsville South toss their caps up during graduation.

Instructional Staff