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Physical Examinations

New York State education law requires that a physical exam be done on all new entrants (including pre-kindergartners and kindergartners), and at regular intervals during enrollment (Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11).  Students participating in interscholastic sports must have a current exam (within 12 months of start of season) and an updated health history. Students desiring work permits also must have a current physical exam. It is also advisable that your child have a full dental examination, once completed it can be submitted to the school nurse along with your child's health appraisal.

The Board of Education recommends that medical examinations be done by a family’s private health care provider for optimal continuity of health care. Parents/guardians must furnish a health certificate signed by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant by September 15 in the years that are associated with mandated examinations.  For families without private health care, the district will assist you in finding quality private care and may provide physical examinations scheduled at the convenience of the District during the school year.  However, written parental permission is required for any in-school examination.

As part of the school health examination (new entrants, along with student enrolled in grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11), medical providers are now required to provide the child’s Body Mass Index [BMI] and weight status category.  Williamsville Central School District is required to complete a survey for the New York State Department of Health that will include a summary of this information with the purpose of assisting in the development of future health programs for children.  No student will be personally identified.  You may choose to have your child’s BMI & weight status category excluded from this survey by contacting your child’s school nurse.


As mandated by State education law and District policy, during each school year students in Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11 receive a vision screening for distance and near vision and hearing.  In addition, students are screened once in kindergarten or upon entrance, for color perception. Finally, boys in Grade 9 and girls in Grades 5 and 7 are screened annually for scoliosis. Parents are advised of any recommended follow-up resulting from these screenings.

Please contact your child’s health office by October 1 if you wish to have your child precluded from the screening process. It will then become the family’s responsibility to provide information from their primary health care provider regarding the student’s health in these areas.