School Safety
Every student deserves a safe and orderly school, an educational environment where they feel welcome and supported. In accordance with New York State’s Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) Legislation, Williamsville's District-wide school safety plan identifies specific safety and security programs that focus on prevention, intervention and crisis response. This District-wide plan is available for review at the District office.
2024-2025 district Safety Plan School Security Improvement Project
A brochure that provides information about the overall safety plans for the school district as well as the common terminology used by school officials and first responders should an emergency situation occur at a school is available at the link below.
Building-based emergency response plans are in place at all Williamsville schools detailing how to respond to emergencies that could affect the health and safety of children. These plans reflect the protocols defined in the District-wide plan. Each school has designated staff members who have been trained to respond in emergency situations.
During an emergency, every possible step will be taken to insure student safety. If a crisis occurs during school hours, we are prepared to keep your children secure and safe at school should a situation arise that prevents or postpones dismissal (e.g. weather emergency; biological or chemical incident). Our schools, government officials and first responder agencies will make every effort to provide a steady, reliable flow of information, using the mass media and every means possible (e.g. telephone, e-mail, website).
Please be sure the school has current phone numbers to reach you or your designee. If you have questions about your child’s school, please contact your principal.
Safe Routes to School
In 2008, the Town of Amherst, in collaboration with the Williamsville Central School District, received a federal Safe Routes to School grant. The town also partnered with the University at Buffalo’s Urban and Regional Planning Department to develop a “Kid Corridors Plan” to promote walking and bicycling – or active community – to school among Williamsville’s K-8 students.