Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests
Rules and Regulations Governing Access to Records
Records Access Officer The Records Access Officer shall be the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools whose office is located at 105 Casey Road, PO Box 5000, East Amherst, NY 14051-5000.
Locations for submission of requests for inspection or copies of records Requests for inspection and copies of records should be made to the Records Access Officer at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. These requests may also be made by email. To make this request via e-mail, please send an e-mail to with the subject line “FOIL REQUEST.” You may also visit the District website at, click on the “Legal Notices & Resources” tab, then on the “Freedom of Information."
Times when records are available Requests to inspect or secure copies of records may be made to the Records Access Officer on any business day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Procedures The following procedures shall be followed in connection with requests to inspect or secure copies of records:
- Requests to inspect or secure copies of records shall be submitted to the Records Access Officer on a form prescribed by the Superintendent, copies of which are available in the office of the Records Access Officer.
- The Records Access Officer will grant or deny access or acknowledge receipt of the request within five days of the receipt of the request.
- With respect to requests which are approved in whole or in part, and where circumstances prevent disclosure of information within twenty (20) additional business days from the date of the acknowledgment of the receipt of the request, an explanation will be provided in writing concerning the delay along with a date by which the request will be grated in whole or in part.
- With respect to records which are determined not to be available, the Records Access Officer will note the reason for unavailability on a letter and sent in the same manner that the request was received.
- With respect to records which are determined to be available, the Records Access Officer will direct the requester to the place where the requested records may be inspected and/or will arrange for the preparation and certification of copies upon tender of the required fee.
Place of Inspection Location where the requested records may be inspected will be noted in the letter.
Requests Requests by mail or e-mail for copies of available records may be addressed to the Records Access Officer, and will be honored, upon payment of the required fee, provided the requester and the record of which a copy is requested are sufficiently identified to make compliance practicable.
- Appeals in writing shall be directed to the Superintendent of Schools within thirty (30) days of the date of denial of access.
- Decisions on appeals will be rendered in writing by the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) business days of receipt of appeal.
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