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FOIL Request Form

Please print, complete, and mail the paper FOIL Request Form to:

Records Access Officer
Williamsville Central School District
105 Casey Road
East Amherst, NY  14051-5000



FOIL Request Digital Form


Request for Access to Public Records
Please fill out the field(s) that apply to your needs, then click "Submit".  All requests will be addressed by the District's Records Access Officer in accordance with the FOI Act and procedures.  The mailing address for the Records Access Officer is: Williamsville CSD, 105 Casey Road, PO Box 5000, East Amherst, NY 14051-5000. 

Please note: The Records Access Officer will acknowledge receipt of the request within five days.  When requests have been acknowledged, approval or denial of access shall be made within 20 additional business days.  The additional time may be required to review or locate the records and/or determine rights of access.
Requestor's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Organization Representedrequired
Please fill out the address information below:
Please enter your 10-digit phone number
0 / 1000
Please acknowledge the following regarding FOIL requests.required
1.) Photocopying: 25-cents per page
2.) Labor agreements: $5 per copy (unless 20 pages or fewer, in which case, the charge will be 25-cents per page)
3.) CD or DVD: $10 (copy only)
4.) Compilation of data from several records
  • $15 per hour for clerical time
  • $40 per hour for administrative time
*District is not obligated to create records.

**No fees are charged for compilations that take under two hours to complete.  If compilation will take more than two hours to complete, the Requestor will be informed in advance of the estimated cost of preparing a copy of the record.
Electronic Signaturerequired
Type Your Name In This Box
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